Healing Soul-utions

Reiki, alternative healing , EFT, and other modalities of healing for body, mind and spirit.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

# 1 All Healing is Self Healing

Various ways of healing are available to everyone. IET or Integrated Energy Therapy is a holistic blend of healing modalities including EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Mental Patterns, Reiki, SK - Spiritual Kinesiology and others. But in order to maximize our results we have to be sure within our own being that not only do we consciously choose healing but subconsciously or emotionally that we can or will accept healing--and spiritually that we deserve it.

Note that Reik article 1 was posted before article 2 so article 1 is under 2 as is the nature of blog entries. I will do some work on posting articles and short items of interest. Don't be surprised by anything. This will be an on-going project. You may find topics ranging from mental patterns/body language, to nutrition, topics from Alpha brain wave entrainment to zzz's (sleep help). Please feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

If you wish to contact me for discussion purposes or to make an appointment for a session or a class you may email me at moriah099@peoplepc.com

Thanks, hope you like the information.

EFT Intro

Introduction to EFT

Briefly EFT is a healing technique working with the meridians on the body. Here's an example: when an individual experiences an emotional trauma it registers in the energy systems of the body. The body (not only the mind) captures the trauma like a video and when you think about the event later, or talk about the trauma, you seem to re-experience pain, fear or grief as though it just happened. It's just like an instant replay on TV. Even years later, as in the case of PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder, the individual still suffers as though the event were yesterday. In the case of EFT, the energy system is disrupted, in a way it can be said it shorts out. Gary Craig calls it a "zzzz" when the signals get jumbled like bad reception on the TV.

The cause of all negative emotion is caused by a disruption in the body's energy system.

I am a believer in mental patterns and when taking the EFT training Gary Craig assked what was the cause of depression. I thought it was suppressed anger. Anger turned inward rather than outward. Well, if I had carried it a step further I would have realized that depression anger is a negative feeling. AND... The cause of all negative feeling is a disruption in the energy system.

EFT can be used to remove the energy of grief after a relationship break up, to remove phobias such as fear of snakes or bugs, and EFT can be used to clear the energy of certain mental patterns causing illnesses, it can be used to relieve pain and even to lose extra weight. The entire concept can be simplified and summed up thus: The trauma, from an energy perspective (and in my opinion), is recorded in the meridians, thus causing the disruption. At that point the trauma is repeated over and over in your mind and your emotional life even though it actually happened only once. You keep reliving it because you have a disruption in your energy in that area or part of your life. It goes on auto replay with the right trigger event. EFT works to reconnect or plug in the energy system and to bring it back to balance. EFT works to remove the stumbling blocks by removing the [misqualified or negative] emotional energy. This is what is meant by Emotional Freedom. EFT does not alter the memory, just the emotional intensity and give you your freedom from it. Its freedom from a habitual emotional response to a specific event. EFT takes the intensity out of the negative feeling to the extent you are at neutral. This is done by tapping certain points on the meridians while affirming positive statements addressing the trauma or other problem. EFT can be done anywhere, it's quick and its FREE.

In my experience EFT is a wonderful self-healing tool and the results are immediate. There are many variations with different names. One of which, WHEE, is very easy for young children and I taught it to my grandkids of three and five years of age.

Here is an exercise I found on the web. The author is listed at the end of the article. I have used EFT for my personal self-healing. During healing sessions for others have taught clients to use it so they can self-heal. Done daily, this Emotional Freedom and Healing exercise (EFT&H) from Sophie Merle will do wonders in your life. You will see things opening up for you in many mysterious and fulfilling ways.

Start the process by finding your "Tender Spot". The Tender Spot is located above the breast on the left side beneath the collarbone. Press with two or more fingers around the area until you find a sensitive spot and rub it firmly in small circles.
1. While rubbing the Tender Spot in small circles, say aloud the three following statements:
"Even though some aspects of my life are source of worries, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
"Even though I have made decisions in the past that have restricted me, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
"Even though part of me believe I may never have what I most want in my life, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
Hold the point and take a slow deep breath before moving on.
2. Eyebrow (tap or rub the beginning of either eyebrow, nearest to the nose), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to unhappiness, grief, and sorrow." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
3. Side of Eye (tap or rub the bony part of the eye socket at the outer edge of the eye), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to pessimism, hopelessness, and resignation." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
4. Under the Eye (tap or rub on the bony part), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to restricting fears, lack, and limitations." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
5. Under the Nose (tap or rub above upper lip), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to shame, guilt, and regrets." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
6. Crease of Chin (tap or rub below lower lip), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to resentment, anger, and unforgiveness." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
7. Collarbone (tap or rub with all fingers on the inside end, either side), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to self-imposed punishment, condemnation, and failure." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
8. Crown of Head (rest the palm of your hand on the crown of your head), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all the energy that had been invested into those past subconscious agreements so that I can now use that energy for becoming a prosperous and full expression of who I am." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
9. Rubbing or tapping the Occipital protuberance (small bony bump on the base of the skull, center bottom), say once aloud: "I am discovering daily how talented and skillful, assertive and determined I really am." "Many good things are happening for me and I am really thankful for all of them." "I feel safe and supported in wonderful ways." "All aspects of my life are a source of profound satisfaction." "I am fortunate, prosperous, and successful." "And so it is forever more."Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
For more information on Sophie Merle, a highly gifted Feng Shui Consultant, Author, and Energy Facilitator, contact her at Shorenine@aol.comor visit her website at http://www.sophiemerle.com/

For more information on EFT go to the official website at Emofree.com there is an 80 page instruction manual you may download for no cost at all. Have a good time with this and make it work for you.
Bright Blessings

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Reiki Part 2 How it works

How does it work? First of all the word “healer” is just the easiest term to use to distinguish who is facilitating the transfer, and who is receiving. As with the attunement process the energy is pulled in through the crown, fills the body, and exits through the palms. The healer directs the energy, but the energy will go where it is needed. Often the warmth of the hands may feel soothing to a sore knee, but if the energy is needed more elsewhere it will go there as well. However by entering through the knee, it too receives Reiki’s benefits.

Sometimes a cold energy is transferred; it is my understanding that is purification energy. I trust the process and observe the type of energy and I frequently ask for feedback. Outcomes will vary according to many factors. My personal message in teaching is; all healing is self-healing. The energy, the process of healing, needs to be accepted on a deep level. That means that an individual must participate in the healing process by wanting to be healed, feeling they are worthy of being healed, and the individual has to be willing to release the need for the pattern of the dis-ease. This is not a Reiki teaching. I believe all dis-ease teaches, and some conditions are Karmic.

I have found no other reports of the following information but it is also my understanding, or experience, that there are two basic types of Reiki channels or practitioners. Some people have reported an electrical or “buzzy” type of energy from a Reiki provider, others a magnetic/earthy type. Both types of energy are flowing and sometime pulsing. Both can be felt as gentle or strong energy or anything in-between. I know practitioners of both types. Receiving is pleasant from both but you may find you have a preference, based on your own type of reception. I consider the magnetic type to be earthy, and the electrical type celestial.

You cannot get too much Reiki. You cannot overdose. The body of the client draws the appropriate amount for them, sometimes in minutes, sometimes thirty minutes or more. I will explain the term “back-up”. When a client has all the Reiki they need, I experience a bounce-back effect in my wrists. I feel the energy is backing up because the person is “full”. There is no place for this excess energy to go so a feeling of pressure is exerted on the wrists or in the hands. Normally it is my signal the session is over regardless of amount of time. We cannot heal by the clock; we must listen to what the body is telling us.

Body language is how we physically feel, the conditions and pathologies present in the body. Each illness or disease speaks volumes if you learn to understand the language. We can begin treating the cause of an illness rather than its symptoms. This is not Reiki but a study of mental patterns I use quite successfully with Reiki to speed the healing process. Before moving on, I want to clarify that on occasion I get “back-up” right after I have started. On these occasions I talk to the client and check to see if they are relaxed. Sometimes asking them to do a visualization of the treated area. I ask them to soak up the energy like a sponge would absorb water. Maybe another image would work but this usually takes care of the bounce back effect and the energy flows well after that.

The healer is using Divine energy or Universal Life/Healing energy; therefore they cannot be drained or tired after a session. That only happens if you are using you own energy – if you’re doing that, it isn’t Reiki. Chi Gong healing uses internal chi, but that takes a lot more formal training and many years of regular daily practice. Another way to look at it is that the Reiki person is in a high state of consciousness when transferring Divine healing energy, the state of unconditional love. The process of entrainment lifts the person being healed to a higher state of consciousness as well. Disease does not exist in high frequencies; it is not needed (but there are exceptions). After a Reiki session the healer, or facilitator, should be energized and feel better. They have received also. I use the analogy that you cannot pour water through a funnel without getting the funnel wet.

If you cannot sense energy or want to become more sensitive try this exercise. I frequently teach this to students in all kinds of classes. Read the directions through before you try it. Hold your hands, palm up about shoulder width apart. Focus on how your palms feel, notice the air pressure. Feel for any breeze or movement. How does the skin feel? Close your eyes and go through the process. With the hands still at shoulder width turn the palms to face each other. Slowly close the distance by bringing your hands together but not touching them. I do mean slowly. You are going to be looking for air pressure changes or changes in temperature, or just in sensation. Don’t feel it? Take the hands apart again and start over. If you still don’t feel anything clap hands to awaken the energy. Start over.

Most people feel it the second or third time but only because they aren’t sure what they should be noticing. If you want to take this a step further visualize the energy between your hands as a ball. Give it a color or just guess what color it is. What color does it feel like? If your ball is green use it for your heart chakra, or give it to your pet and your plants for healing and growth. Regardless of the color, if you feel it is bright and clear use it for whatever you like. Play with it.

Reiki symbols are like holograms; they transmit an idea or an entire concept of health/well-being. I work in the auric body rather than, or sometimes in addition, to touching the body. This in turn has an effect on the energy field promoting harmony, wholeness, completeness, and vitality. Reiki can be used on people, pets, plants, crystals (they hold a charge), situations & goals. It can be used to dissipate negative energy to clear an object or a space – also for pain relief. Reiki can be used to positively charge objects and space, or to speed healing in the body. If you have questions or would like to know more about Reiki you can read any number of good books on the subject.

Remember anyone can channel energy. If you choose to have an attunement then you need a teacher. Try to find a couple of teaching Masters and interview them. Go with the one you feel most comfortable with, not necessarily the cheapest. In the same vein, just because one charges a lot for a class is no proof the teaching is better. If you wish to contact me please leave a comment including your name and how I can reach you. Don’t expect me to make long distance calls please.

Bright Blessings

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Reiki Healing Part 1

Hello, this is a presentation I had given on Reiki several years ago. As always I hope it gives enough information.

Many stories, some conflicting, are told about the discovery of Reiki. All agree that Dr. Mikao Usui started the system we call simply, Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese word, written in Kanji, it can be translated to mean Transcendental Spirit, Essence, or Mysterious Energy or simply, Force.

Polynesian Hunas call this energy Mana; Native American Iroquois healers call it Orenda; in India it is called Prana; in Hebrew it is Ruach; in Islamic countries it is called Barraka; Chi in China and Ki in Japan. In as many as 92 different cultures it is called by 92 different names – but it is the same essential universal life “force”. William Reich called it Orgone energy, and Mesmer called it Animal Magnetism. It is Spirit, it is Life force, and it is energy.

How do you use Reiki? As a student of Reiki , you locate a teacher. This will be a Reiki Master. Dr. Usui, in the late 1800’s taught by giving a four-part attunement, and then the student would practice his skills. Often by apprenticing for years before the Mastership attunement. Some people have obtained their First Degree and within months go for the Master level in a weekend workshop and walk out proclaiming to be a Reiki Master. My personal opinion is that one cannot become a master of anything in a weekend. That would be like getting a “belt” level by watching a video of how to do karate. It takes time and practice. The most common way to apply Reiki is a laying-on of hands. Reiki isn’t really applying anything but your intent to help and to heal; it is a transfer of energy.

Reiki is very similar to Chi Gong. It is my understanding there are three branches of Chi Gong-- yin style, yang and a combination of both. Reiki is most related to the combination – both heavenly and physical, it has nurturing qualities. Reiki is different from Chi Gong in that it does not come from one’s own energy, or energy field. Chi Gong is a practice like any other martial art, it requires years of dedicated concentration and work.

What makes Reiki different from laying-on of hands without training? Anyone can transmit energy. Some people consider it metaphysical, some scientific, and some religious. There is no religious element to Reiki, no dogma, no church. If you choose to call this Universal Energy, Angelic Healing energy, or Divine Healing energy, you may. A rose by any other name is still a rose. Reiki training however does employ the process of attunement, and the use of symbols making it different than simple laying-on of hands. At this time there are many variations and spin-off types of Reiki training. Basically they all end up doing the same thing, helping to heal. It doesn’t matter if you spend $10,000 (the original cost to Americans) for your Master Level or the going rate in the Midwest, $300. Your intent to provide a caring service to someone in need will do more for your Reiki results than a costly certificate.

The attunement Process – 3 levels.

Reiki 1, the Student learns the history and use of Reiki, and receives an attunement/initiation. The channels through which the energy will flow are opened, at least to a greater degree. Energy enters through the top of the head, fills the body, passing through the heart center it goes down the arms and out the palms. The vibratory rate of the body is amplified. Often this begins a clearing process that may take up to 21 days to work through. It begins to clear negative life and thinking patterns, and blocks that would impede the flow of energy. The attunement is compared to a quantum leap in greater opening for Universal Life force, or healing energy. Compare the rate at which water flows through a garden hose, rather than a straw. This will be similar to the difference in the flow of energy through your channels.

Reiki 2 – Greater opening of the channels, further purification of the body/vehicle (less negative patterns and blocks) more methods or ways of using Reiki, more symbols and an understanding of their use. In addition, any natural or latent talents you may have will be enhanced or amplified.

Reiki 3 – Mastership level. This level of initiation activates the Master symbol so it can be used to help others empower themselves (give others attunements).
Mastership is simply individuals choosing to accept a greater level of responsibility for their lives. Any further Reiki training would be in other types of Reiki, only if desired, or Teacher Instruction. I received an additional Initiation at Teacher Training, in the form of a Water Ceremony. This is not required to be an effective channel for Spirit and for healing.

End of Part 1, Part 2 will discuss how it works
Bright Blessings

Monday, February 28, 2005

Mental Patterns

There is so much to share I don't know where to start. I feel it is important for everyone to learn the how and why of dis-ease so they can pursue holistic treatment if they so desire. I do not subscribe to the theory that if you treat a symptom the condition is rendered harmless or healed. It is not healed until the reason it manifested in your body is healed. This is precisely why conditions re-occurr or become chronic.

So, I guess I have just chosen a topic. We will start with mental patterns and a simplified four body system. I realize that in the Eastern modalities there are usually seven bodies, more in some cases. These are subtle or energy bodies within or composing the aura or auric field.

In order from the highest vibration to the lowest (1) the spiritual body (2) the mental body (3) the emotional body (4) the densest, lowest vibration organism, the physical body. What I mean by that is, as science teaches, the lower the vibration of the atoms or molecules, the more concrete, tangible or solid it is. The spiritual body is not solid but the physical body is.

Dis-ease (or disease) begins in the outer layer of the auric field. In the four body system this outer layer is the fine textured, high vibration spiritual body. Barring karmic challenges built into this incarnation through choice, most illnesses are manifested through our disconnection, or misunderstanding of "Spirit". These fears, chaotic or mis-qualified energy/conditions, grow denser as they work their way in through the aura. That's one good reason not to do drugs. It leaves your aura in bad condition. Not only does it mutilate a good energy protection system, it leaves gaping holes in it. That is another entire subject however. Think of it this way, a good aura is like a security password, a firewall and virus check on your computer. If the aura is in good shape, odds are you probably are too.

To explain in more detail I do believe it is easier to look at this disease manifestation from the inside, outward. Let's say for example, Jane Doe has manifested a particular illness. How do we determine the cause so that the cause can be healed? Because if the cause is healed theoretically the disease has no function and will disappear. I must say though, it isn't just theory in my personal experience.

The physical body is ill because this original "body language" is trying to tell, show or teach you, or us, something is wrong. Look for the evidence in the next [subtle] layer up. The emotional body has something going on. For example in the case of bladder infections (physical level)...the body is trying to tell you that you are actually angry (emotional level, pissed off) about something. The body can be very literal. This particular thing you felt anger about is also a situation you felt you didn't have a right to be mad about, or you made a judgement (a mental level process) that you shouldn't be angry. It isn't nice to be angry, or it wasn't anybody's fault, or they couldn't help it, or didn't mean it etc. So, from the emotional body where we have feelings, we move out another layer and see how the mental body or intellect is involved in ideas or judgements about the situation, and about our feelings. The outer spiritual layer had been breached by your resistance to the situation in the first place. If not outright resistance, there was at least non-acceptance on your part that the situation was exactly the way it was meant for it to be for your highest and greatest good.

What do you do about bladder infection? Admit you are mad. That's all the body is trying to tell you. Then look at the situation from another, higher perspective and accept your feelings, especially the anger as normal. You are entitled to feeling. You do not have to act on it, often it is best merely to do some mirror work and get in touch with the anger, then release it. A lot of cranberry juice and a lot of water to flush the anger residue out of the urinary track will help too. The last two times I had bladder infection (in the last ten years) I acknowledged and used this process at first symptom and I did not require medication, the condition was gone in 24 or less. Believe me, once you have had a bladder infection you do know what it feels like and when you are about to experience it again.

Don't let the opportunity go by to admit how powerfully we, as humans, can manifest. Don't be fooled thinking you have manifested something "negative", not if you learned from it. I call that manifesting a teacher. If you learned, what is there negative about that?

Hope my explanation wasn't confusing. Please leave comments, especially if you are curious about particular subjects. Thanks.
Bright Blessing,