Healing Soul-utions

Reiki, alternative healing , EFT, and other modalities of healing for body, mind and spirit.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Reiki Part 2 How it works

How does it work? First of all the word “healer” is just the easiest term to use to distinguish who is facilitating the transfer, and who is receiving. As with the attunement process the energy is pulled in through the crown, fills the body, and exits through the palms. The healer directs the energy, but the energy will go where it is needed. Often the warmth of the hands may feel soothing to a sore knee, but if the energy is needed more elsewhere it will go there as well. However by entering through the knee, it too receives Reiki’s benefits.

Sometimes a cold energy is transferred; it is my understanding that is purification energy. I trust the process and observe the type of energy and I frequently ask for feedback. Outcomes will vary according to many factors. My personal message in teaching is; all healing is self-healing. The energy, the process of healing, needs to be accepted on a deep level. That means that an individual must participate in the healing process by wanting to be healed, feeling they are worthy of being healed, and the individual has to be willing to release the need for the pattern of the dis-ease. This is not a Reiki teaching. I believe all dis-ease teaches, and some conditions are Karmic.

I have found no other reports of the following information but it is also my understanding, or experience, that there are two basic types of Reiki channels or practitioners. Some people have reported an electrical or “buzzy” type of energy from a Reiki provider, others a magnetic/earthy type. Both types of energy are flowing and sometime pulsing. Both can be felt as gentle or strong energy or anything in-between. I know practitioners of both types. Receiving is pleasant from both but you may find you have a preference, based on your own type of reception. I consider the magnetic type to be earthy, and the electrical type celestial.

You cannot get too much Reiki. You cannot overdose. The body of the client draws the appropriate amount for them, sometimes in minutes, sometimes thirty minutes or more. I will explain the term “back-up”. When a client has all the Reiki they need, I experience a bounce-back effect in my wrists. I feel the energy is backing up because the person is “full”. There is no place for this excess energy to go so a feeling of pressure is exerted on the wrists or in the hands. Normally it is my signal the session is over regardless of amount of time. We cannot heal by the clock; we must listen to what the body is telling us.

Body language is how we physically feel, the conditions and pathologies present in the body. Each illness or disease speaks volumes if you learn to understand the language. We can begin treating the cause of an illness rather than its symptoms. This is not Reiki but a study of mental patterns I use quite successfully with Reiki to speed the healing process. Before moving on, I want to clarify that on occasion I get “back-up” right after I have started. On these occasions I talk to the client and check to see if they are relaxed. Sometimes asking them to do a visualization of the treated area. I ask them to soak up the energy like a sponge would absorb water. Maybe another image would work but this usually takes care of the bounce back effect and the energy flows well after that.

The healer is using Divine energy or Universal Life/Healing energy; therefore they cannot be drained or tired after a session. That only happens if you are using you own energy – if you’re doing that, it isn’t Reiki. Chi Gong healing uses internal chi, but that takes a lot more formal training and many years of regular daily practice. Another way to look at it is that the Reiki person is in a high state of consciousness when transferring Divine healing energy, the state of unconditional love. The process of entrainment lifts the person being healed to a higher state of consciousness as well. Disease does not exist in high frequencies; it is not needed (but there are exceptions). After a Reiki session the healer, or facilitator, should be energized and feel better. They have received also. I use the analogy that you cannot pour water through a funnel without getting the funnel wet.

If you cannot sense energy or want to become more sensitive try this exercise. I frequently teach this to students in all kinds of classes. Read the directions through before you try it. Hold your hands, palm up about shoulder width apart. Focus on how your palms feel, notice the air pressure. Feel for any breeze or movement. How does the skin feel? Close your eyes and go through the process. With the hands still at shoulder width turn the palms to face each other. Slowly close the distance by bringing your hands together but not touching them. I do mean slowly. You are going to be looking for air pressure changes or changes in temperature, or just in sensation. Don’t feel it? Take the hands apart again and start over. If you still don’t feel anything clap hands to awaken the energy. Start over.

Most people feel it the second or third time but only because they aren’t sure what they should be noticing. If you want to take this a step further visualize the energy between your hands as a ball. Give it a color or just guess what color it is. What color does it feel like? If your ball is green use it for your heart chakra, or give it to your pet and your plants for healing and growth. Regardless of the color, if you feel it is bright and clear use it for whatever you like. Play with it.

Reiki symbols are like holograms; they transmit an idea or an entire concept of health/well-being. I work in the auric body rather than, or sometimes in addition, to touching the body. This in turn has an effect on the energy field promoting harmony, wholeness, completeness, and vitality. Reiki can be used on people, pets, plants, crystals (they hold a charge), situations & goals. It can be used to dissipate negative energy to clear an object or a space – also for pain relief. Reiki can be used to positively charge objects and space, or to speed healing in the body. If you have questions or would like to know more about Reiki you can read any number of good books on the subject.

Remember anyone can channel energy. If you choose to have an attunement then you need a teacher. Try to find a couple of teaching Masters and interview them. Go with the one you feel most comfortable with, not necessarily the cheapest. In the same vein, just because one charges a lot for a class is no proof the teaching is better. If you wish to contact me please leave a comment including your name and how I can reach you. Don’t expect me to make long distance calls please.

Bright Blessings


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:48 AM  
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4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:09 PM  

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