Healing Soul-utions

Reiki, alternative healing , EFT, and other modalities of healing for body, mind and spirit.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Reiki Healing Part 1

Hello, this is a presentation I had given on Reiki several years ago. As always I hope it gives enough information.

Many stories, some conflicting, are told about the discovery of Reiki. All agree that Dr. Mikao Usui started the system we call simply, Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese word, written in Kanji, it can be translated to mean Transcendental Spirit, Essence, or Mysterious Energy or simply, Force.

Polynesian Hunas call this energy Mana; Native American Iroquois healers call it Orenda; in India it is called Prana; in Hebrew it is Ruach; in Islamic countries it is called Barraka; Chi in China and Ki in Japan. In as many as 92 different cultures it is called by 92 different names – but it is the same essential universal life “force”. William Reich called it Orgone energy, and Mesmer called it Animal Magnetism. It is Spirit, it is Life force, and it is energy.

How do you use Reiki? As a student of Reiki , you locate a teacher. This will be a Reiki Master. Dr. Usui, in the late 1800’s taught by giving a four-part attunement, and then the student would practice his skills. Often by apprenticing for years before the Mastership attunement. Some people have obtained their First Degree and within months go for the Master level in a weekend workshop and walk out proclaiming to be a Reiki Master. My personal opinion is that one cannot become a master of anything in a weekend. That would be like getting a “belt” level by watching a video of how to do karate. It takes time and practice. The most common way to apply Reiki is a laying-on of hands. Reiki isn’t really applying anything but your intent to help and to heal; it is a transfer of energy.

Reiki is very similar to Chi Gong. It is my understanding there are three branches of Chi Gong-- yin style, yang and a combination of both. Reiki is most related to the combination – both heavenly and physical, it has nurturing qualities. Reiki is different from Chi Gong in that it does not come from one’s own energy, or energy field. Chi Gong is a practice like any other martial art, it requires years of dedicated concentration and work.

What makes Reiki different from laying-on of hands without training? Anyone can transmit energy. Some people consider it metaphysical, some scientific, and some religious. There is no religious element to Reiki, no dogma, no church. If you choose to call this Universal Energy, Angelic Healing energy, or Divine Healing energy, you may. A rose by any other name is still a rose. Reiki training however does employ the process of attunement, and the use of symbols making it different than simple laying-on of hands. At this time there are many variations and spin-off types of Reiki training. Basically they all end up doing the same thing, helping to heal. It doesn’t matter if you spend $10,000 (the original cost to Americans) for your Master Level or the going rate in the Midwest, $300. Your intent to provide a caring service to someone in need will do more for your Reiki results than a costly certificate.

The attunement Process – 3 levels.

Reiki 1, the Student learns the history and use of Reiki, and receives an attunement/initiation. The channels through which the energy will flow are opened, at least to a greater degree. Energy enters through the top of the head, fills the body, passing through the heart center it goes down the arms and out the palms. The vibratory rate of the body is amplified. Often this begins a clearing process that may take up to 21 days to work through. It begins to clear negative life and thinking patterns, and blocks that would impede the flow of energy. The attunement is compared to a quantum leap in greater opening for Universal Life force, or healing energy. Compare the rate at which water flows through a garden hose, rather than a straw. This will be similar to the difference in the flow of energy through your channels.

Reiki 2 – Greater opening of the channels, further purification of the body/vehicle (less negative patterns and blocks) more methods or ways of using Reiki, more symbols and an understanding of their use. In addition, any natural or latent talents you may have will be enhanced or amplified.

Reiki 3 – Mastership level. This level of initiation activates the Master symbol so it can be used to help others empower themselves (give others attunements).
Mastership is simply individuals choosing to accept a greater level of responsibility for their lives. Any further Reiki training would be in other types of Reiki, only if desired, or Teacher Instruction. I received an additional Initiation at Teacher Training, in the form of a Water Ceremony. This is not required to be an effective channel for Spirit and for healing.

End of Part 1, Part 2 will discuss how it works
Bright Blessings