Healing Soul-utions

Reiki, alternative healing , EFT, and other modalities of healing for body, mind and spirit.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

# 1 All Healing is Self Healing

Various ways of healing are available to everyone. IET or Integrated Energy Therapy is a holistic blend of healing modalities including EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Mental Patterns, Reiki, SK - Spiritual Kinesiology and others. But in order to maximize our results we have to be sure within our own being that not only do we consciously choose healing but subconsciously or emotionally that we can or will accept healing--and spiritually that we deserve it.

Note that Reik article 1 was posted before article 2 so article 1 is under 2 as is the nature of blog entries. I will do some work on posting articles and short items of interest. Don't be surprised by anything. This will be an on-going project. You may find topics ranging from mental patterns/body language, to nutrition, topics from Alpha brain wave entrainment to zzz's (sleep help). Please feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

If you wish to contact me for discussion purposes or to make an appointment for a session or a class you may email me at moriah099@peoplepc.com

Thanks, hope you like the information.

EFT Intro

Introduction to EFT

Briefly EFT is a healing technique working with the meridians on the body. Here's an example: when an individual experiences an emotional trauma it registers in the energy systems of the body. The body (not only the mind) captures the trauma like a video and when you think about the event later, or talk about the trauma, you seem to re-experience pain, fear or grief as though it just happened. It's just like an instant replay on TV. Even years later, as in the case of PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder, the individual still suffers as though the event were yesterday. In the case of EFT, the energy system is disrupted, in a way it can be said it shorts out. Gary Craig calls it a "zzzz" when the signals get jumbled like bad reception on the TV.

The cause of all negative emotion is caused by a disruption in the body's energy system.

I am a believer in mental patterns and when taking the EFT training Gary Craig assked what was the cause of depression. I thought it was suppressed anger. Anger turned inward rather than outward. Well, if I had carried it a step further I would have realized that depression anger is a negative feeling. AND... The cause of all negative feeling is a disruption in the energy system.

EFT can be used to remove the energy of grief after a relationship break up, to remove phobias such as fear of snakes or bugs, and EFT can be used to clear the energy of certain mental patterns causing illnesses, it can be used to relieve pain and even to lose extra weight. The entire concept can be simplified and summed up thus: The trauma, from an energy perspective (and in my opinion), is recorded in the meridians, thus causing the disruption. At that point the trauma is repeated over and over in your mind and your emotional life even though it actually happened only once. You keep reliving it because you have a disruption in your energy in that area or part of your life. It goes on auto replay with the right trigger event. EFT works to reconnect or plug in the energy system and to bring it back to balance. EFT works to remove the stumbling blocks by removing the [misqualified or negative] emotional energy. This is what is meant by Emotional Freedom. EFT does not alter the memory, just the emotional intensity and give you your freedom from it. Its freedom from a habitual emotional response to a specific event. EFT takes the intensity out of the negative feeling to the extent you are at neutral. This is done by tapping certain points on the meridians while affirming positive statements addressing the trauma or other problem. EFT can be done anywhere, it's quick and its FREE.

In my experience EFT is a wonderful self-healing tool and the results are immediate. There are many variations with different names. One of which, WHEE, is very easy for young children and I taught it to my grandkids of three and five years of age.

Here is an exercise I found on the web. The author is listed at the end of the article. I have used EFT for my personal self-healing. During healing sessions for others have taught clients to use it so they can self-heal. Done daily, this Emotional Freedom and Healing exercise (EFT&H) from Sophie Merle will do wonders in your life. You will see things opening up for you in many mysterious and fulfilling ways.

Start the process by finding your "Tender Spot". The Tender Spot is located above the breast on the left side beneath the collarbone. Press with two or more fingers around the area until you find a sensitive spot and rub it firmly in small circles.
1. While rubbing the Tender Spot in small circles, say aloud the three following statements:
"Even though some aspects of my life are source of worries, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
"Even though I have made decisions in the past that have restricted me, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
"Even though part of me believe I may never have what I most want in my life, I deeply and completely accept and value myself."
Hold the point and take a slow deep breath before moving on.
2. Eyebrow (tap or rub the beginning of either eyebrow, nearest to the nose), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to unhappiness, grief, and sorrow." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
3. Side of Eye (tap or rub the bony part of the eye socket at the outer edge of the eye), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to pessimism, hopelessness, and resignation." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
4. Under the Eye (tap or rub on the bony part), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to restricting fears, lack, and limitations." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
5. Under the Nose (tap or rub above upper lip), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to shame, guilt, and regrets." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
6. Crease of Chin (tap or rub below lower lip), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to resentment, anger, and unforgiveness." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
7. Collarbone (tap or rub with all fingers on the inside end, either side), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to self-imposed punishment, condemnation, and failure." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
8. Crown of Head (rest the palm of your hand on the crown of your head), and say once aloud: "I am releasing all the energy that had been invested into those past subconscious agreements so that I can now use that energy for becoming a prosperous and full expression of who I am." Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
9. Rubbing or tapping the Occipital protuberance (small bony bump on the base of the skull, center bottom), say once aloud: "I am discovering daily how talented and skillful, assertive and determined I really am." "Many good things are happening for me and I am really thankful for all of them." "I feel safe and supported in wonderful ways." "All aspects of my life are a source of profound satisfaction." "I am fortunate, prosperous, and successful." "And so it is forever more."Hold the point and take a slow deep breath.
For more information on Sophie Merle, a highly gifted Feng Shui Consultant, Author, and Energy Facilitator, contact her at Shorenine@aol.comor visit her website at http://www.sophiemerle.com/

For more information on EFT go to the official website at Emofree.com there is an 80 page instruction manual you may download for no cost at all. Have a good time with this and make it work for you.
Bright Blessings